Every time I write one of these Substacks I promise myself to keep it concise - hi, here are some songs, thank you, bye! - before inevitably blethering on fuelled by coffee for nine paragraphs. My own email then sits, lurking unread in my own inbox until an idle moment the following Tuesday afternoon, when - in search of a tiny self-validatory bump - I’ll read it back and turn inside out with cringe.
1 - atelicALL
Rather than do a year end Best Of list, I’ve decided to make every single Atelica playlist from across the year available in one big playlist: atelicALL. This will only be publicly online until the end of December. It currently* contains 770 songs. A few things are missing from the Apple Music version, here’s the Spotify version. I don’t think there’s any simple way of making a gargantuan list of everything in Bandcamp, at least not one that wouldn’t make me want to hurl my laptop into the Quaggy river and risk (a second) divorce, so I haven’t done that.
I’m still going to continue making normal Atelica playlists as (and I’ve always thought this when the world stops to peruse end of year lists around mid-November) there’s still loads of bloody good music being released every week. I’ll add them to the big atelicALL list each time.
2 - Atelica Song Advent Calendar
To sort of make up for the lack of Bandcamp links for atelicALL, and seeing as it’s the 1st December, I’m going to post a song a day from the playlist on Twitter/Threads/Insta/TikTok etc until Christmas. Like a song-based advent calendar.
This is the first one:
(you can click on the image, sadly it’s not embedded properly because Musk)
3 - Atelica update #39
I updated the normal Atelica playlist last week with another 40 new songs I like. I took the image that features in the playlist ‘artwork’ by accident, as I walked along Lee High Road.
As ever the latest Atelica update contains all sorts - delightful spoken word/crooned balladry, new Laetitia Sadier, ballsy hooky pop rock, shoegaze electronica, fantastically creaky droning banjo, bass-led indie pop that immediately recalls peak Tom Vek, jazzy boom bap, Aussie glam punk, reggae soul, an iconic photographic artist’s take on Somewhere Over The Rainbow and - inevitably - a bit of King André’s magical flute.
It’s here on Apple Music
And here on Spotify 👇
That’s it. That’s actually it! We’re off to buy a Christmas tree.
Thank you, bye!